Friday, 17 August 2007


"श्रावण मासी हर्ष मानसी हीर्वल दाटे चौहीकडे क्षनात येती सर सर शीरवे क्षनात फीरुनी ऊन पडे" श्रावनात्ल्या उंन्हा-पावासच्या लीला पाहील्या की बाल्कवींच्या मराठी मनावर कोर्लेल्या ह्या कवीतेला अल्गद उजाला मीलतो.... सर्व दीशान्नी दाटलेल्या हीर्वलीकडे पाहून मन सुखावतं, क्षनात येनार्या श्रावण सरी चीम्ब भीजवानार्या, आणी मग क्षनात येणार ऊन सुखावानारं आप्लेपनाची ऊब देनारं, श्रावण आपला खेल खेलतच राहतो...

Thursday, 9 August 2007


August arrives as name suggests making an august entry, getting along festive season, greenery, unique chemistry of sun and rain, fun, frolic and my Birthday to sum up the month! On a whole I love the month which also happens to be my birth month!

August coincides with an Lunar calender month of Shravana, Shravana marks the beginning of good days according to mythology, is packed with N number of festivities, it marks the love for good food, with cool breeze, hearty drizzles, lukewarm sun, and beautiful, golden sky....

Lets hail a wide welcome to my favorite month, my birth month August, the grand!!!