Monday 21 May 2007

Disturbing Night....

Ever since I remember I have always slept quite peacefully more like a log, once on my bed. There are hardly few nights when I couldn't sleep properly, last night was one such... Very much like any other night I had my meals and hit the bed, no sooner I stepped into kingdom of sleep...

I was waiting with one of my very close friends at a multiplex for another good friend to drop in for the movie, we were getting impatient as show timing was nearing, we were trying to reach him desperately on the cell phone, network was busy. It was sort of funny the show timing was about to be reached and the screen gates were opened but hardly few people had actually climbed the ladders while most were waiting out with us and seem tensed. Something was bothering me more than my friend not turning up I couldn't understand what, but there was something I couldn't explain after a brief moment of waiting we suddenly heard some uproar upstairs in the screen gateway I rushed up leaving my friend down to check out what it was all about as I climbed the stairs I saw blood, people running, wincing of pain, screams filled my ear and from the darkness an iron rod went through my flesh spurting blood out of me I was getting doomed into darkness as I saw my friend leaping towards me I woke up startled to find myself intact one piece on my bed covered with my sheets sweating profusely in an ac room chilled...

I got up had a sip of water from the water jug on the side table, looked around to find my sister and mom sleeping on there sheets flustered I tried to get back to sleep, the aroma of the new paint filled me as I took deep breath and closed my eyes...

There were blurred images of people around me three or might be even four of them arguing with me, I was getting restless I clutched on to myself... There was someone from behind me telling them to leave me alone I turned back to the familiar voice but as soon as I turned back I was inflicted with unbearable pain of some metal piercing my flesh soaking me with blood I got up second time in the night to find myself more soaked in sweat and not blood...

I got up and went to the living room the sofa's were covered under sheets opened the windows and took deep breath in the cool breeze the trees were swaying in the dark night as dogs dawdled around them. I went back to sleep in my room with another sip of water... rest of the night was again filled with more blurred images and hustle rustle I couldn't actually make out...

I woke up eyelids swollen and heavy, end of a disturbing night in the fresh new morning....


Neo said...


Sudershan Kamble said...

you bet it was buddy

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